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Spiritual Guides


Magic is quite often connected to non-earthly powers in order to help us making the impossible possible. Anyhow, we are not here to avoid our challenges. That is not the reason why we created them in the first place.

However, we have the possibility to ask for spiritual guidance in order to master our challenges in a better way, in divine order.

If we ask a non-earthly being for help, it is recommended to mention that the being should be enlightened. It can be a direct inquiry by asking someone specific for support, or it can be a general query without knowing who might answer. This can for example be an angel, an elemental being, a unicorn or anything else.

One might ask, well, how do we communicate with such beings? This can happen in multiple ways.

For example, answers appear in a way such as having sudden new thoughts, or suddenly acting differently. It is about being aware of one's inspirations and intuition.

Sometimes we might unexpectedly find a book or an internet page giving us exactly the answer to our question, or maybe another person tells us something that 'clicks' and the penny drops.

Furthermore, it might happen that certain non-earthly beings show up within our imagination or even as a recognizable energy form which is present.

If we are uncertain whether this being is enlightened, it is recommended to ask about his origin for three times, e.g. like this: "In the name of the light and everything that is holy, are you coming from the light?" The being is allowed to tell the untruth twice. Cosmic law forces it to tell the truth when asked for the third time.

Communication with non-earthly beings works for many by introspection. Maybe some practice is necessary. Some receive answers through inner images, some get insights, another hears something etc. It is about figuring out what works best for oneself.

Sometimes such beings show themselves within the real world, not only in our imagination, and for some they are permanently visible. We all have the ability to contact them. Quite often, there is just a lack of practice and awareness.

Since our direct connection to spiritual guides is undesired by those who fear of losing their influence, this topic is quite often ridiculed or condemned as being just imagination or a crazy idea.

Anyway, if we start opening up for possible support by spiritual guides we do quite soon get hints letting us know that we are answered. For example an image from our vision might turn up within the real world a little later and such things alike might happen.

We are asked to develop our own interpretation of our images and dreams and match them with our real world experience. Hence, we are able to connect with non-earthly beings or even deceased ones through our inner world.

It is recommended to build up sufficient protection, e.g. to create a golden light around oneself, to be firmly grounded, to be well connected with god-mother and god-father and a lot more that is to be figured out be oneself.

Everyone does have spiritual guides. There are our guardian angels (one or more) and our cosmic parents as permanent companions. Further guides are probably present who might as well change during one lifetime.

It is most helpful to imagine how our guardian angel stands behind us and places his hands on our shoulders. Our imagination strengthens the connection and enables our guardian angel to be present more easily and to be there for us even more.

Hence, this way we can figure out step by step, which guides are most helpful to stand by our side in various situations.

In the beginning, this might mislead a bit because by relying on the guides only, we might lose courage to walk our path alone.

It is about well balancing self-empowerment, trusting the own abilities and allowing the support of our guides. Eventually one does not permanently have to remember asking for support but trust in guidance and knowing it for sure. Life will remind us to ask in the right moment if necessary.

Permanently asking and begging for help leads to uncertainty. However, gratefulness (e.g. Thank you for the assistance!) gives strength and trust in order to confidently walk through life.



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